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Máy đo khúc xạ CRK 7000
Vertex Distance : 0.0 12.0, 13.5, 15.0
Spherical Degree: -0.25m -1 ~ +22.00m -1 ) Resolution: 0.12/0.25 m-) (VD =12mm )
Gui Jingdu: -10.00 m-1 ~ + 10.00 m-1 ( Resolution: 0.12/ 0.25mm-)
Cylinder AxisAX : 0 – 180
Pupil Distance (PD) 10mm 85mm
Minimum pulpil Diamater L: 2.0mm
Radius Of Cuvature: 5.0mm – 10.20mm (Resolution : 0.01mm)
Corneal Refractive: 33.00m -1 67.50m -1 (resolution: 0.05/0.12/0.25)
Corneal Cylinder Degree : 0.0 -1 15.00 m (Resolution: 0.05/ 0.12, 0.25m-1)
AX: 0 -180
T&F 30mm or Less
About: 92mm or les
Before & after: 30mm or less
Important hole size: 2.0mm – 12.00mm
Data Storage
Built in printer: Thermal Printer
Power Saving: Stop the mesurement For about 5minutes and enter the sectionmode , Press any key to return to the measurement
ID is play: 5.7 inch color TFT LCD Liquid Product Display
Monitor: 15.7 inch color TFT LCD Liquid Crystal display
Power: AC 100 ~ 240V, 50/60HZ
Power: About 100VA -
Máy đo khúc xạ RM-160
Vertex Distance : 0.0 12.0, 13.5, 15.0
Spherical Degree: -0.25m -1 ~ +22.00m -1 ) Resolution: 0.12/0.25 m-) (VD =12mm )
Gui Jingdu: -10.00 m-1 ~ + 10.00 m-1 ( Resolution: 0.12/ 0.25mm-)
Cylinder AxisAX : 0 – 180
Pupil Distance (PD) 10mm 85mm
Minimum pulpil Diamater L: 2.0mm
Radius Of Cuvature: 5.0mm – 10.20mm (Resolution : 0.01mm)
Corneal Refractive: 33.00m -1 67.50m -1 (resolution: 0.05/0.12/0.25)
Corneal Cylinder Degree : 0.0 -1 15.00 m (Resolution: 0.05/ 0.12, 0.25m-1)
AX: 0 -180
T&F 30mm or Less
About: 92mm or les
Before & after: 30mm or less
Important hole size: 2.0mm – 12.00mm
Data Storage
Built in printer: Thermal Printer
Power Saving: Stop the mesurement For about 5minutes and enter the sectionmode , Press any key to return to the measurement
ID is play: 5.7 inch color TFT LCD Liquid Product Display
Monitor: 15.7 inch color TFT LCD Liquid Crystal display
Power: AC 100 ~ 240V, 50/60HZ
Power: About 100VA -
Máy đo khúc xạ TOPCON CHINA RM800
Vertex Distance : 0.0 12.0, 13.5, 15.0
Spherical Degree: -0.25m -1 ~ +22.00m -1 ) Resolution: 0.12/0.25 m-) (VD =12mm )
Gui Jingdu: -10.00 m-1 ~ + 10.00 m-1 ( Resolution: 0.12/ 0.25mm-)
Cylinder AxisAX : 0 – 180
Pupil Distance (PD) 10mm 85mm
Minimum pulpil Diamater L: 2.0mm
Radius Of Cuvature: 5.0mm – 10.20mm (Resolution : 0.01mm)
Corneal Refractive: 33.00m -1 67.50m -1 (resolution: 0.05/0.12/0.25)
Corneal Cylinder Degree : 0.0 -1 15.00 m (Resolution: 0.05/ 0.12, 0.25m-1)
AX: 0 -180
T&F 30mm or Less
About: 92mm or les
Before & after: 30mm or less
Important hole size: 2.0mm – 12.00mm
Data Storage
Built in printer: Thermal Printer
Power Saving: Stop the mesurement For about 5minutes and enter the sectionmode , Press any key to return to the measurement
ID is play: 5.7 inch color TFT LCD Liquid Product Display
Monitor: 15.7 inch color TFT LCD Liquid Crystal display
Power: AC 100 ~ 240V, 50/60HZ
Power: About 100VA